Did you know that a shocking 67% of employees feel disengaged at work?

That’s a 2023 Gallup survey finding, and it’s a wake-up call for leaders everywhere. A huge swath of our workforce feels unseen, their voices unheard, and their contributions undervalued.

Gallup’s Top Five Employee Engagement Drivers

Gallup zeroed in on the key factors that contribute to workplace engagement:

  • Feedback & Performance Focus: Do your employees receive clear, actionable feedback and opportunities for growth?
  • Goals & Priorities: Is the bigger picture clear, and do your team members see how their work fits into it?
  • Wellbeing: Are you actively prioritizing your team’s mental and physical health?
  • Team: Do employees feel supported and have a genuine sense of belonging?

The Billion (Okay, Trillion) Dollar Problem

The kicker? Disengaged employees cost the US approximately $1.9 TRILLION in lost productivity every year! This is a problem we can’t afford to ignore.

The Answer: Empathetic Leadership

Leaders who can cultivate empathy –through active listening, clear communication, and genuine understanding of team needs – see significant improvements in employee engagement. It’s a win-win!

Practical Steps to Enhance Your Empathetic Leadership

Open Door Policy: Proactively schedule one-on-ones, and foster a culture where your team feels they can always come to you.
Active Listening: Focus fully when someone speaks. Ask questions to fully understand the message, and don’t interrupt.
Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate successes, both large and small. A little recognition goes a long way.
Psychological Safety: Create a workplace where your team feels safe sharing their ideas, successes, and concerns without fear of judgment.

Investing in empathy is not only good for your team but also good for your bottom line!

What are your experiences with empathetic leadership?

Jevon Wooden is a sought-after speaker, coach, and author specializing in empathetic leadership. A veteran, CEO, and expert in emotional intelligence and DISC, he empowers leaders to build high-performing teams, foster thriving workplace cultures, and achieve sustainable business growth. Jevon’s insights have been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc. Magazine, and more.