As a business leader or owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers – the metrics, performance targets, and the bottom line. But focusing solely on these can make us lose sight of the most important asset in any organization: the people. That’s where empathetic leadership comes in. It’s about leading with our hearts as much as our heads, and it has the power to transform businesses in ways you might not expect.

So, What Exactly Is Empathetic Leadership?

Empathetic leadership is the ability to understand and share the feelings and perspectives of those around you. It’s about stepping into someone else’s shoes and seeing the world through their eyes. In essence, it boils down to these key elements:

  • Emotional Intelligence: Empathetic leaders are aware of their own emotions and how they impact others. They are skilled at reading and responding to their team’s emotional cues.
  • Active Listening: Empathetic leaders genuinely listen to understand, not just to reply. They give their full attention, ask clarifying questions, and reflect back their understanding to show they’ve heard the other person.
  • Perspective-Taking: They make a conscious effort to see situations from the viewpoints of others. This doesn’t mean always agreeing, but it means putting aside assumptions to grasp why someone thinks or feels the way they do.
  • Compassion: Empathetic leaders care about their team’s well-being. They recognize that everybody faces professional and personal challenges and extend support and understanding.

Sounds Nice… But How Does It Benefit My Business?

You might think this is all a bit soft compared to the hard-nosed results you’re expected to deliver. However, empathy isn’t about being nice. It offers a whole host of tangible benefits for organizations:

  • Stronger Teams: Empathetic leadership creates a sense of psychological safety, making employees feel valued and heard. This leads to a more collaborative, supportive, and cohesive team dynamic.
  • Enhanced Problem Solving: People are more likely to share their concerns and ideas when they feel valued. An empathetic leader can tap into the collective wisdom of their team, fostering better decision-making and innovative approaches.
  • Greater Employee Retention: People don’t leave jobs, they leave bosses. Empathetic leadership is a powerful driver of loyalty and reduces employee turnover. When your talent feels supported, they’re more likely to stay.
  • Increased Productivity: Trust, engagement, and overall well-being are essential for a productive workforce. Empathetic leadership addresses those needs, resulting in a team that’s more focused and motivated to perform.
  • Improved Client/Customer Satisfaction: Happy employees make for happy customers. Internal empathy spills over as staff interact with customers more positively and responsively. This ultimately builds strong relationships and drives business success.

Empathy Isn’t a Weakness, It’s a Strength

There’s an outdated myth that empathy in leadership means being soft or lacking authority. The truth couldn’t be more different. It takes strength of character to set aside your ego and connect with someone else. Seeing things from various angles sharpens your decision-making, not weakens it.

How Can I Become A More Empathetic Leader?

Like any valuable skill, empathy needs practice. Here are a few ways to get started:

  • Be Present: Put away the phone, close the email tab, and give your team your full attention when they interact with you.
  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Show curiosity about what people are working on and how they feel. For example, try “What do you feel are the biggest challenges with this project?” or “I noticed you seem a bit quieter today; is everything alright?”
  • Offer Support: Let your team know you’re here for them. If they encounter a setback, focus on finding solutions together rather than assigning blame.
  • Embrace Vulnerability: You don’t have to be perfect to be an effective leader. Share your own challenges sometimes – it makes you relatable and builds trust.

Becoming an empathetic leader is not an overnight transformation, but a journey towards continuous improvement. Invest the time and effort; the benefits will be undeniable for you and your business.


Jevon Wooden is a sought-after speaker, coach, and author specializing in empathetic leadership. A veteran, CEO, and expert in emotional intelligence and DISC, he empowers leaders to build high-performing teams, foster thriving workplace cultures, and achieve sustainable business growth. Jevon’s insights have been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc. Magazine, and more.